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Teenage Students Raising Hands

Frequently asked Questions

Updated regularly as additional questions arise

1. Can I submit an application with handwritten responses?

Handwritten applications will not be accepted.


2. Where can I submit my application?

Applications are currently not accepted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 


3. How will I know if my application has been successfully received?

When completing your application online, you will receive a message indicating it was successfully completed.  When mailing your application, email to ensure it was received successfully.  Indicate in your email if language/interpreter services are needed.


4. Can applications be accepted in languages other than English?

All applications must be completed in English. 


5. Can assistance be provided in languages other than English?

Language/interpreter services may be available for technical assistance. Please send an email requesting this service to


6. How will I know if my application has been funded?

Each applicant will receive either a Notice of Funding Award or an email letting them know their proposal is not funded. The email will be sent to the person listed as “Primary Contact” in the application. (Answer revised 2/11/2022) 


7. When can I expect to receive funds?

Funds are released after all required paperwork is completed with the Wichita State University Office of Research. 


8. How will funds be distributed?

Payments will be made quarterly, with payment for the first quarter made in advance. Awardees may choose to receive payments via check or electronic direct deposit. (Answer revised 2/11/2022)


9. How long will I receive funding?

The project term is variable with funding commensurate to the project term noted in the application.  All activities must be concluded by December 31, 2023.  (Answer revised 2/11/2022) 


10. How often can I apply for funding?

Successful applicants may apply for additional funding following conclusion of grant activities and reporting requirements.   


11. What happens if my application is denied?

If the application is not successful, you may request feedback helping you understand the reason(s).  You may reapply. (Answer revised 2/11/2022) 


12. What types of projects will/can be funded?

Examples of successful applications are listed on the “Samples” page of the website. Strong applications will clearly detail the following points:  

  • Population Served: The population(s) served clearly represent one or more of the populations outlined in the Request for Proposals. Some consideration will be given to applications that serve populations not already served by existing awardees.

  • Reach: The applicant has documented history of success reaching the population to be served.

  • Proposed Activities: The project activities contribute to the stated Action Areas in the Request for Proposals and are likely to improve health equity.

  • Budget: The budget narrative justifies and clearly describes program costs. 

A complete list of supported activities can be found here. (Answer revised 2/11/2022)


13. Is the Request for Proposal (RFP) only open to those who received the RFP directly?

Any organization meeting the eligibility criteria may apply.  Organizations are encouraged to distribute the notice throughout their communities and networks to encourage others to apply.


14. Can two or more organizations submit a joint application?

Collaboration is welcomed but not required.  If collaborating, only one organization should submit the application.  Fiscal sponsors are allowed for organizations not meeting all eligibility criteria.


15. Is there a word limit to the application?

Each question has a word/character limit.  Make sure answers are as complete and concise as possible.


16. Are adjustments to the budget possible?

Budget adjustments are possible if the spirit of the grant application is not changed and the proposed expenses are approved. If budget adjustments are needed, contact to work with a program officer to complete the necessary documents.


17. Does this grant require match funding?

No matching grant funds are required.


18. Where can I find additional guidance on allowable vs. not allowable costs?

Expenses are outlined in the Request for Proposal document, but others may be allowed. Contact to request additional guidance.


19. What if my organization reimburses for mileage at a rate less than the amount designated by the IRS?

Mileage will be reimbursed by the rate listed at:  Work with your organization if a difference exists.


20. Do we need to submit proof of where/how funds were used?

All agencies/organizations that receive Federal funds are subject to basic audit requirements, including community and faith-based groups. These audits are intended only to examine the Federally-funded parts of an organization's operations and are not designed to identify unrelated problems. The audits are necessary to make sure that Federal dollars have been spent properly on legitimate costs. It is therefore extremely important for grant recipients to keep accurate records of all transactions conducted with Federal funds.


21. What is the filing status for tax purposes?

Applicants must submit a W-9 document to verify tax filing status.  Work with your tax preparer to answer additional questions regarding your organization.


22. How can I request additional assistance during the application process?

Email with detailed information regarding your request.  Responses should be received within three working days. If requesting a phone consultation, send an email to schedule a time for that visit.

23. Does our organization need SAM Certification to apply?

No, organizations are not required to have SAM Certification to meet eligibility criteria. Organizations are required to have a DUNS number.    


24. Can funding be used for expansion of existing projects?

Yes, funding may be used to expand services such as serving new populations, geographic areas, hours of operation, etc.  However, funding may not be used to supplant or replace services already being offered.


25. How are applications scored?

Applications will be evaluated and scored by a team of internal and external reviewers. Reviewers will evaluate applications specifically on these three factors:

  • Population Served: The population(s) served clearly represent one or more of the populations outlined in the Request for Proposals. Some consideration will be given to applications that serve populations not already served by existing awardees.

  • Reach: The applicant has documented history of success reaching the population to be served.

  • Proposed Activities: The project activities contribute to the stated Action Areas in the Request for Proposals and are likely to improve health equity.

  • Budget: The budget narrative justifies and clearly describes program costs. 

The reviewers' ratings will serve as a guide for selecting proposals for funding. (Answer revised 2/11/2022)


26. Should I write my application using the application link?

The online application is not designed to save and go back. Be prepared to complete the application submission in one sitting. Use the PDF version of the application to familiarize yourself with the application and prepare your responses before you go to the application link.

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